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Updated Terms of Service Agreement – January 2024

To implement our new Landlord Energy Credit Benefit, we want to make you aware of an associated minor change to our terms of business agreement, with the clause below effective immediately.

“6.1 The Agent warrants and separately represents, on each occasion when it provides details of any new Property or Change of Tenancy, that it is authorised to act as agent for the Landlord and in respect of the Property and that such authority extends to entering into this agreement for HTM to provide the Services. In particular, in respect of the notification of change of responsibility for the water supply the Agent instructs HTM to process this notification. In respect of the notification of change of responsibility for the council tax the Agent instructs “OVO” (OVO ENERGY LTD, a company registered in England and Wales with (Company Number: 06890795) whose registered office is at 1 Rivergate, Temple Quay, Bristol, BS1 6ED) to process this notification and hereby appoints HTM as the agent to the Agent for the purpose of notifying this instruction to OVO and transmitting the data needed to perform that process. HTM are to provide that instruction to OVO in respect of each and every Property for which the Agent uses the Services.”

For context, our nominated energy supplier has agreed to undertake the council tax notification in respect of the Property. There should be no change to the service. Aside from your agreement to this change, there is nothing else that you or the Landlord needs to do and indeed the energy supplier will be using Helpthemove software systems as a sub-processor to undertake the actual notification process, the variation should therefore be seamless from your perspective.

This amended process is designed to enhance the end to end user experience.

To view your full Terms of Business, please login to your relevant Portal at the link below, where you can also view examples of the updated notification emails for the landlord or property owners:

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